How to copy a TikTok link? – Learn how to copy links on TikTok

TikTok has rapidly gained popularity as one of the most entertaining and widely used social media platforms today. With its short video format and creative content, many users want to share TikTok links with their friends or on other social media platforms. But how exactly do you copy a TikTok link? In this article, we will guide you on the simple steps to copy a TikTok link, allowing you to easily share your favorite TikTok videos with others.

Step 1: Open TikTok

The first step is to open the TikTok app on your mobile device. TikTok is available for both iOS and Android platforms, so make sure you have the app installed on your device.

Step 2: Find the TikTok Video

Next, browse through the TikTok feed to find the video you would like to copy the link for. You can explore the «For You» page or search for specific content using the search bar at the bottom of the screen. Once you’ve located the video, tap on it to open and view it in full screen.

Step 3: Access the Share Menu

Once the TikTok video is open, look for the «Share» icon, which is represented by an arrow pointing to the right. It is usually located on the right side of the screen. Tap on the «Share» icon to access the share menu, which will display various sharing options.

Step 4: Copy the TikTok Link

In the share menu, you will see several sharing options such as «Copy Link,» «Save Video,» and various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. To copy the TikTok link, tap on the «Copy Link» option. This will automatically copy the video’s unique URL to your device’s clipboard.

Step 5: Paste and Share the TikTok Link

Now that you have copied the TikTok link, you can paste it wherever you want to share it. You can use the link to send it to your friends through messaging apps, email, or share it on other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Reddit. Simply long-press in the text field of your desired platform and select «Paste» to insert the copied TikTok link.

Alternative Method to Copy TikTok Link

If the above method doesn’t work for you, don’t worry! There is an alternative method to copy TikTok links.

Step 1: Find the TikTok Video

Similarly, open the TikTok app and find the video you want to copy the link for. Tap on the video to open it in full screen.

Step 2: Tap on the «Share» Button

Look for the «Share» button at the right side of the screen, represented by an arrow pointing to the right. Tap on it to access the share menu.

Step 3: Tap on «Copy Link»

In the share menu, you will find different sharing options. Look for the «Copy Link» option and tap on it. The TikTok link will be instantly copied to your device’s clipboard.

Step 4: Share the Copied Link

Paste the copied TikTok link wherever you want to share it. You can send it to friends, share it on social media platforms, or even save it for future use.

Copying TikTok links is an easy process that allows you to share your favorite videos with friends or across various social media platforms. Whether you choose the first method or the alternative method, you can effortlessly copy TikTok links and spread the joy of entertaining TikTok content with others. So, why wait? Start sharing those amazing TikTok moments today!

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